
The Irish Otaku is a brand new website where I discuss all things otaku. This includes video games, manga, anime, light novels, Japan and more.

The Irish Otaku is not my first website, my site was SG Gaming Info, a video game review and discussion focused site that I operated for a long time, but after years of talking about video games, I felt it was time talk about my other interests.

On this site, I’ll be discussing the games industry, anime, manga and more. Some discussions will be a nice chat about why I enjoy a specific show and others will be a full blow discussion or review about a product or a specific topic I feel needs discussing.

While I haven’t been an otaku all my life (I only became one in the last 10 years) I love the culture and all the amazing things it introduced me too, and I hope I can help you discover some amazing new shows, games, or learn more about a particular topic.

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